Here are some ideas for healthy foods for babies:

  1. Breast milk or formula: These are the main sources of nutrition for babies during the first year of life.

  2. Pureed fruits and vegetables: These can be introduced after a baby is about 6 months old. Some good options include sweet potatoes, avocado, banana, and applesauce.

  3. Soft, cooked grains: These can also be introduced after a baby is about 6 months old. Some options include oatmeal, quinoa, and rice.

  4. Soft, cooked meats: These can be introduced after a baby is about 8 months old. Some options include chicken, turkey, and beef.

  5. Tofu: This is a good source of protein and can be introduced after a baby is about 8 months old.

It's important to introduce new foods one at a time and to watch for any signs of allergies. It's also a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian for guidance on feeding a baby.
